joined 12/4/18, 6:36 PM has 20 karma
- Better performance per watt, but why ARM server market share not grown over x86
by r3tr0 on 3/3/23, 3:53 AM, with comments
- I embedded a Linux Kernel In a Tweet By Disguising It As A Video
by r3tr0 on 11/26/22, 1:29 AM, with comments
- Redis in the Browser WASM
by r3tr0 on 10/4/22, 3:23 PM, with comments
- Redis WASM
by r3tr0 on 10/4/22, 12:01 AM, with comments
- Emacs in the Browser
by r3tr0 on 10/1/22, 11:16 PM, with comments