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Ask HN: Is anyone else getting tired of “awesome-blank” on GitHub?

by johncmouser on 4/14/15, 7:09 AM with 3 comments

...or any other similarly based repo that isn't really a programming project?

These repos somehow manage to make it to the top every day, and it's been going on for quite a while... Some of them are pretty useful, e.g. "free-for-dev".

Just want to hear what the consensus is.

  • by onion2k on 4/14/15, 8:03 AM

    isn't really a programming project

    They certainly aren't code, but there's more to writing a program than just code. These are research, and I'd argue that is part of a programming project. It might be preferable to host them somewhere other than Github, because Github (and git) aren't necessarily the best tools for the job of archiving your research in to something, but for now Github is what we've got. Perhaps there's an opportunity for someone to invent a better solution.

  • by mindcrash on 4/14/15, 7:18 PM

    GitHub was never solely meant for code, but anything that is textual data which can be transferred to a revision control system. Including books, blogs, and yes, lists with bookmarks.

    As a aside personally I like them a lot, given that I am a polyglot programmer. Saves me tons of time finding the better kind of libraries, tools and/or frameworks for any given language and environment given a specific technical or functional requirement myself.

  • by laex on 4/14/15, 7:23 AM

    I actually find them very useful. If I need any external library I usually check them out first.