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Show HN: Bookmarklet to save NotebookLM audio into a personal podcast

by xeio on 3/11/25, 10:30 AM with 0 comments

I've been listening to lots of audio overviews on Google's NotebookLM lately (having a baby strapped to you forces new media consumption habits..!) & got annoyed they weren't in my podcast app with all my other podcast-y content.

So I made a bookmarklet which works to upload the audio then converts it to MP3 and adds it to a private personal RSS feed which you can add to any podcast app with a click or by pasting the URL.

The bookmarklet's javascript obviously, the backend uses Python in Cloud Run for conversion then Laravel with Livewire for the UX, hosted on GCP, and Paddle for subs (but is free to try)

Would love any feedback.