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Show HN: I wrote a mini virtual file system in GO

by alexpadula on 3/9/25, 2:36 AM with 0 comments

Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well.

The past few weeks I've been getting my nose deep into file systems and this weekend I decided to put up what I've been working on after lots of tinkering. It's a light-weight, self-contained virtual file system library that you can use with your Go applications and even C!

The motivation here was to design something self-contained, concurrent safe but effective, dynamically growing, and in block format.

VFSLite is still in it's early stages but I'd love to get your thoughts on it :)

The project is open-source and open for contributions. I'm still learning as I go and very open to discussion.

You can view the project below

I've created a website as well,

Thank you for checking out the post!