by vanillax on 3/5/25, 3:13 PM
For any OG Digg fans... Diggnation came back with Alex Albrect and Kevin Rose.
by CosmicShadow on 3/5/25, 2:25 PM
Digg is the only daily email I actually get with some sort of news or missed memes and I enjoy it. People make fun of me for still using Digg, but it's just short enough to keep me up on what's the latest and 4 of the biggest news points. I never really hit the site. Curious to see how it improves or changes!
by xnx on 3/5/25, 4:06 PM
by Apreche on 3/5/25, 3:14 PM
They have an opportunity to make a news aggregator that is well moderated and doesn’t include bullshit. That seems to be what they want to do. However, I have zero confidence they will succeed because they have drunk the “AI” Kool-Aid. No matter how much money and experience they have, profit seeking tech bros will never be able to recapture the magic.
by kova12 on 3/5/25, 3:47 PM
Other than nostalgia, why should I sign up for it? I didn't gather from the article what sort of innovations are they planning to bring in than would make it appealing to use
by throwaway_dugg on 3/5/25, 3:27 PM
> So why now? It’s a combination of reasons, according to Rose, who says that the existing social media landscape has become toxic, messy, and riddled with misinformation — and AI is well-placed to address that.
If by "address" you mean "exacerbate" then definitely.
by dowager_dan99 on 3/5/25, 4:19 PM
I don't know too much about Kevin Rose but Alexis is an interesting dude. Marginally excited to see what they get up to in this climate; hoping for old man "get off my lawn" approach vs. further enshitification?
by ChrisArchitect on 3/5/25, 3:43 PM
by whalesalad on 3/5/25, 3:32 PM
We are so back! I have a photo somewhere with Kevin at SXSW from 2005-ish? His hak5 episode taught me how to use L0phtCrack to steal and crack SAM files. I had passwords for almost every teacher and admin in the district. The head honcho superuser admin literally had the password "north" lmao. The act got me expelled from high school, but worth it in the end.
by carabiner on 3/5/25, 4:19 PM
Kevin Rose is God!