by cainxinth on 2/19/25, 2:29 PM with 30 comments
by dml2135 on 2/19/25, 4:56 PM
On the subject of weird Star Wars musical adaptations like those on the second half of the album -- I've recently discovered the track "Dark Vader" by Instant Funk from 1979. I love this track as it really feels like it captures a moment in time, right before The Empire Strikes Back was released and Star Wars really became a franchise.
- The misunderstanding of the name, which was exactly what I called "Darth Vader" as a kid, seemingly was more prevalent back at the time
- The feeling of absolute hype that he was going to return on screen (I assume this track came out after initial marketing for Empire began)
- The popular conception of Vader as a Black man -- something that must have seemed obvious at the time with the voice of James Earl Jones, that was really thrown away with his reveal as Luke's Father in Empire
by paulsmith on 2/19/25, 4:29 PM
by dabinat on 2/19/25, 7:20 PM
by AdmiralAsshat on 2/19/25, 6:52 PM
by Lalabadie on 2/19/25, 4:48 PM
by duxup on 2/19/25, 2:39 PM
by whitingx on 2/25/25, 5:19 PM
An imagined view on what this OST would have sounded like to accompany to documentary (
by mastazi on 2/19/25, 9:34 PM
1. Keyboardist David Matthews born in 1942 who made the album "Dune"
2. Rock musician David Matthews born in 1967
3. Jazz saxophonist David Matthews born in 1911 (the bio section of the Apple Music page is about him)
I have submitted a feedback ticket to Apple but I thought I would also leave it here.
by driggs on 2/20/25, 12:22 AM
by HocusLocus on 2/21/25, 4:53 PM
by shermantanktop on 2/19/25, 5:38 PM
by _sys49152 on 2/19/25, 4:42 PM
by caminanteblanco on 2/19/25, 4:23 PM
by guiriduro on 2/19/25, 5:09 PM
by emsign on 2/19/25, 5:55 PM