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NOAA: File is deleted by executive order [pdf]

by paulgb on 2/16/25, 9:18 PM with 19 comments

  • by noodlesUK on 2/16/25, 10:23 PM

    To any who are interested, many other countries provide high quality weather data products (paid and free), and so does ECMWF at the European (not just EU) level. ECMWF’s data is available directly from them or via various member countries national agencies. My knowledge is Eurocentric but I suspect that China, Japan and others also have useful datasets.

    I don’t work in the field, but I have visited ECMWF and they’re the real deal.

  • by Grosvenor on 2/16/25, 9:27 PM

    You should fully expect all NOAA data products to disappear. If only I had a few petabytes of spare storage.

    Why should the government give that out to the paying public, when one of trumps friends could make a buck selling it to you?

    The next obvious step is to dismantle NOAA altogether, because that could be provided by the private market.

  • by Jimmc414 on 2/16/25, 9:50 PM

  • by jfengel on 2/16/25, 10:22 PM

    I just wish that it were possible to at least ask for empathy. I'd like to be able to say, "Imagine Biden or Harris had done this. What would your reaction be?"

    It's not really possible to get a meaningful answer to that question. Even if I accepted that an answer was honest I'm not sure I could accept it as accurate. Counterfactuals always have an element of "all things being equal" but things are never equal.

    Still... You can see why I think they'd be calling for treason trials. And so I'm not sure what they expect me to be doing at this moment.

  • by paulgb on 2/16/25, 9:19 PM

    For context, the file is linked from here:
  • by strangattractor on 2/16/25, 10:28 PM

    I see a private sector pay to have Weather service in our future.
  • by oriettaxx on 2/17/25, 1:07 AM

    it is here, too

    but I don't get it: why was it removed?