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Making Pop Rocks from scratch (is complicated) [video]

by CaliforniaKarl on 11/3/24, 1:49 AM with 16 comments

  • by 14 on 11/3/24, 3:36 AM

    I watched this earlier it was a fun watch as is most of Nile’s videos. I hope he does the follow up video and uses the oxygen reactive gas and makes the most dangerous pop rocks like he mentioned.
  • by ethbr1 on 11/12/24, 2:21 AM

    Of course it's NileRed. (fixed!)

    Does he ever talk about where he gets his gear? I know some of it is secondhand salvage... but I feel like there's some "family" component, or at least was at the beginning.

  • by mproud on 11/12/24, 4:27 AM

    Claire Saffitz made some gourmet ones a while back:
  • by mmmrtl on 11/12/24, 5:45 AM

    see also: Applied Science's attempt 12 years ago (no fancy pressurized mixing machine so the result is weaker than the real thing).

    IMO his is the best random project channel on youtube