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Doom 2 got a Mod, featuring 2 chapters, 36 new tracks and 20 hours of gameplay

by leetrout on 10/13/24, 2:30 AM with 18 comments

  • by low_tech_love on 10/13/24, 3:35 PM

    If you’re interested in playing new Doom (2) levels, there is an extremely active community releasing unbelievably good levels regularly for free. Even John Romero himself has released 2 entirely new campaigns, the 2nd one late last year. Start from and dive in.

    I’ve been on a Doom binge for the last couple of months playing great mod after great mod, but nothing prepared me to the absolute humongous monstrosity that is Eviternity 2. This is GOTY 2024 and there is nothing that can possibly beat it!

    Edit: ok, this mod is kinda hilariously bad, and does not at all represent the Doom modding community. There are dozens of other 30-plus-level releases out there that are way, way better! For the curious, here is the discussion:

  • by exitnode on 10/14/24, 6:44 AM

    I've documented here how to play classic Doom (not only) on Linux in 2024:

    This site is updated whenever I've completed playing a new WAD to add it to the list at the bottom. I'm a casual player, want to see enough ammo in the levels and like to have a moderate difficulty. If you feel the same, the list might be also for you.

  • by jncfhnb on 10/13/24, 4:43 PM

    I’ve had some fun doing a doom randomizer but I really find the base game to be lacking in depth and interesting gameplay.
  • by az09mugen on 10/13/24, 10:59 AM

    As a fan of doom, I can't wait to play this mod. Hope it will "respect" the style of its predecessors.
  • by nubinetwork on 10/13/24, 1:53 PM

    Why did they have to call it doom 3... there already is a doom 3, that's going to get confusing really fast.
  • by your_drunk_dad on 10/13/24, 6:54 PM

    Hell yeah another 20 hours of doing the same boring thing all over again. Can't wait.