by sylvainkalache on 2/14/24, 1:39 AM with 88 comments
by CaliforniaKarl on 2/14/24, 1:46 AM
by yieldcrv on 2/14/24, 3:13 AM
and would also conveniently be number 2 or 3 in buzzfeed listicles, but that wasn’t really for humans
never number 1, we would put our competitors at number 1 and assume their google alerts or network picked it up. then congratulate them for winding up in the same article, and use that coincidence with conference organizers to have us or our publicist invite them to be on the same fireside chats on stage. that was for humans.
our Google results look impeccable
great for our other assumption that our dates would cyberstalk us, I mean investors
I dont pay the publicist anymore but all those assumptions were true and still pay dividends
by epistasis on 2/14/24, 2:12 AM
To be surprised, you'd have to believe the media and propaganda more than your own eyes and ears.
by m3kw9 on 2/14/24, 3:11 AM
by parineum on 2/14/24, 2:19 AM
The GDP of the city is way up. Everything else still sucks.
by 8f2ab37a-ed6c on 2/14/24, 2:13 AM
SF does everything in its power to not grow, to restrict access. The city population grew barely 20% over the last 70 years, while places like Austin TX went up by 830% during the same time period. Might as well be on different planets.
by g42gregory on 2/14/24, 2:50 AM
by tummler on 2/14/24, 2:46 AM
by 1-6 on 2/14/24, 2:38 AM