by sylvainkalache on 1/21/24, 10:54 PM with 12 comments
by thisislife2 on 1/22/24, 6:31 AM
by thr0way120 on 1/22/24, 6:32 AM
This article is a PsyOp. Look at the data. Men are the ones leaving. The catestrophic drop in male attendance is due to the Me Too movement (2018) and the 2009 election of Obama.
They are trying to cover up the fact that the majority of reason that men are leaving university is that it has been politicized against men.
Two data points important in this data:
1. Obama elected in 2009, and began a full-nation emphasis on making things politically correct and installing DEI at every level of society, including universities. Men began checking out of college at that point.
2. October 2017 ( 2018 ) the Me Too movement began, causing a catestrophic dump in male attendance of college
Its the toxic politics in the united states that are turning institutions against men, not all these other reasons.
Women are getting the memo, they are a lagging indicator. Men leaving is causing the exodus in women.
The Democratic party, and it's influence organs, turned against men as a class, and men decided to check out of every institution, marriage, dating, college, work.
by JohnFen on 1/22/24, 6:54 PM